
2 times less chemicals on the line, just by changing the cap treatment

In 1982, Sources Alma adopted aseptic packaging for several of its still drinks. It was then the first company in France to go that far in terms of safety.

Sources Alma is moving towards zero chemistry

In 1982, Sources Alma adopted aseptic packaging for several of its still drinks. It was then the first company in France to go that far in terms of safety. The company asked Serac, which was already specializing in aseptic packaging, to design its new lines.

40 years later, Sources Alma still relies on Serac to innovate. It has equipped one of its lines with a BluStream® cap sterilization module.


What is BluStream® sterilization?

BluStream® is a dry, physical sterilization treatment, performed at room temperature without chemicals. It uses electron beams to destroy micro-organisms. BluStream® is a breakthrough innovation in the food packaging market which has required over ten years of research. This treatment has already won several awards from the industry, amongst which is an « “Oscar de l’emballage” » in 2019.

Safer for the consumer, the operator, and the environment, BluStream® meets the new requirements of beverage manufacturers. It has been used in industrial production at Sources Alma since the beginning




“ BluStream® opens the way to chemical-free treatments in aseptic packaging. It is a good way to appropriate a major change in technology which can only become an imperative for aseptic packaging in the medium term. “

Delphine Gueguen - Sensitive Products Technical Director @Serac

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Table of contents

I. Chemical-free aseptic packaging
II. The cap, a critical point in the sterilization process
III. Experience feedback on BluStream® technology in production

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