CSR incorporated in our business strategy
To better anticipate the evolutions in our societies and ensure a long-lasting activity by adapting to our clients’ evolving needs, the Group has committed to a global sustainable development approach. Serac aims at striving in a responsible and sustainable manner, both with its stakeholders (employees, clients, partners, suppliers, civil society) and the environment in which it operates.

Stakeholder engagement in the different stages of our activities
The consultation of our main stakeholders (business partners, employees etc) helps us ensure we consider their expectations and that we are working on the right sustainable development challenges for our industry. The permanent dialogue and exchanges we have with them ensures we set the right objectives and give ourselves the proper means to attain them. The strong involvement of our employees is crucial if we want to attain these objectives. It is thanks to them, first ambassadors of the company, and their motivation to work on these sustainable development challenges that we can offer cleaner products and services to our partners.

Work ethics
For 50 years, we have been able to offer our clients products and services always better adapted to their changing needs thanks to our performance, our search for innovation and our financial independence. To follow our ambition of giving our clients a complete and personalized offer all around the world while avoiding any risks, Serac has set a zero-tolerance policy towards behaviour likely to characterize acts of corruption or influence peddling.
Which is why in 2015, the Group has edited an ethical code in addition to the internal rules. This ethical code is a tool for employees that defines which are the risks, what to do if a risk occurs in the workplace and who to contact if need be.
Annual CSR assessments to support our continuous improvement approach in CSR
Each year, Serac takes part in the different CSR evaluations organized by third parties. Our participation in these assessments reaffirms our work on these topics. The results bring a security to our business partners and give us a global assessment. This and the evaluations done internally all-year-long help define our action plans.
The EcoVadis methodology is at the heart of our CSR analysis. It is based on 4 themes (environment, fair working conditions, business ethics and supply chain) and 21 criteria.
Since 2018, Serac has the pleasure of receiving every year its gold medal in its industrial sector (Manufacture of general-purpose machinery). This makes it part of the top 10 % with a score of 68/100, the average in its sector being 45/100.
UN Global Compact
The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative that builds on the commitment of company presidents to apply the universal principles od sustainable development within their organization, taking steps to support the goals of the United Nations.
Serac committed to the UN Global Compact in 2012 and published its annual Communication on Progress, available on the Group’s website and the initiative’s platform.
Carbon Disclosure Project
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an organization based in the United Kingdom, rallying institutional investors, and managing almost 100 billion dollars’ worth of climate assets as part of the voluntary reporting of the CDP. It is the world’s biggest GHG emissions database.
Serac presents its carbon footprint through the CDP, using the ADEME’s methodology.